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Two Point Perspective Pencil Sharpener
The tutorial below is the first of many aimed at developing your designing and drawing skills. Each tutorial will gradually increase in rigor and difficulty. Each tutorial also comes with a video or presentation to assist with the completion of each drawing. You can print any pages related to this drawing via the printer icon.

One Point Perspective Train

Graphics Tutorials: One Point Perspective Train (Part 1)
Hover over areas of the page you need to complete below. The starter activities need no prior knowledge just a quick sketch of what you think. We will compare this to the last drawing at the end to see how you have improved.
Graphics Tutorials: One Point Perspective Train (Part 2)
Click on the video icon below. This will guide you through how to complete a drawing of a train in one point perspective. Remember once the video ends add your own details to show what you have learnt. The easiest way to follow the tutorial is to watch a step, pause the video, add what you have seen onto your drawing, watch, pause etc…….
Graphics Tutorials: One Point Perspective Train (Part 3)

This page is entirely up to you how you how you present it and can be a mixture of some of the details that you wanted in the tutorial or the opportunity to explore and your own ideas. The vanishing point has moved, what will this do to the train drawing? Remember to add your own details to achieve the highest marks.


Teacher Assessed Criteria:

When you come to the image below this is a teacher assessed piece of work. You must STOP and present your work to your class teacher. They will then assess your work, give you a grade, a positive comment and a MAD (making a difference target). You should then act upon your targets set as part of your MAD activity (making a difference). These pieces of work should be presented in the purple boxes provided highlighted by the MAD Sticker and purple outline.

Tut Tut One point Train Assess.pdf
What is One Point Perspective?
One point perspective is a drawing method that shows how things appear to get smaller as they get further away, converging towards a single 'vanishing point' on the horizon line. It is a way of drawing objects upon a flat piece of paper (or other drawing surface) so that they look three-dimensional and realistic