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Comic Book Task 4: Union Jack

Union Jack is the name of a fictional superhero appearing in

the Marvel Universe comic books published by Marvel Comics

and Marvel UK. Created by Roy Thomas and Frank Robbins, the

first Union Jack first appeared in Invaders #7 (July 1976).

Union Jack was a superhero from the WWII era and was supposed to the British equivalent of Captain America, they even went on missions together. Unfortunately Union Jack never really took off and has failed to reach the same level of success as other Marvel characters.

With the upcoming Avengers movie being filmed partly in the UK, Marvel are looking to introduce a British Superhero. Imagine you are working for Marvel and you have been tasked to  redesign and revive Union Jack ready for an appearance in the next Avengers Movie.

Marvel have given you free reign and have given you the option of changing the characters gender. So go ahead, its up to you. Will it be Union Jack, or Union Jane?