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Sketchbook: Concept Sketches
Designers rarely design a product that is brand new.
Most ideas are based upon past or similar products or
inspired by nature, artists or other designers or design
movements.The more information you have the better
quality your ideas will be. Information is not only
gathered by carrying out research it is gathered through
the things you experience in everyday life.

If you are out and about and see something you think would make a nice feature in your design, a mechanism that would prove useful, photograph it and sketch it later…………

Being able to seek information that is not obvious to your design task and use it is key to developing creative ideas, no matter where the idea comes from…….

Use lots of images to inspire you no matter how weird or wacky, never start with a blank page its very hard to do this. No designer works in a vacuum (isolation)!


Produce a range of around 20 design sketches in 3D. These sketches can range from quick doodles to 3D designs. Explore your ideas using perspective drawings. If you struggle to draw in 3D, print out and use an isometric grid that can be placed behind your sheet as a guide and use the crating technique..
■ Keep the drawings simple.
■ Make the drawings large.
■ Only use colour when it is important.
■ Use notes that ...

◆ ask questions
◆ describe things
◆ suggest materials
◆ given reasons
How to improve your sketchbook skills

An outline drawing / sketch can be improved quickly and effectively, by emphasising a proportion of the outline with ‘thick’ lines. Further to this, adding thin lines can give a 3D effect to the finished drawing or sketch. The addition of a few lines lifts the overall quality of the final sketch. Watch the video and apply to your own design sketches.

NO idea is a BAD idea

If you draw an idea and you don’t thinks that it is a good idea then you should still present it in your paper work regardless. Why?

-It shows development of ideas = Higher Marks

-Elements/Parts of that “Bad” idea may spark inspiration for another idea.

-How can I improve that idea?


In this task you are going to choose your favourite design. On a blank page you need to redraw it. Trace this idea and make one change. You can either keep this idea or reject it. Stick it in your sketchbook with quick annotation(notes)and explain what you have changed and why? Also annotate if you have decided to keep it. If you rejected it go back to the original idea, trace and make another change. If you kept the second idea trace this one instead and make one change.

Do this at least 5-6 times making one iterative change at a time. Stick them all on the same page in your sketchbook with annotation.

Repeat this on a further four to five initial design sketches.