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E-Porfolio: Development of Ideas
The point of developing an idea is to make incremental
changes to your idea so that it can become a working
product. At this stage you need to start working out the
details. There are many ways designers choose to develop
their ideas to a final solution, but the main idea is to
improve the product along the way on step at a time

Use anyone of the methods below or any other method           
   that you think is suitable for your own development.

You will need to repeat this for different development questions based around ACCESS FM and for a range of different ideas.

When you are ready to begin developing your ideas you should try to develop each of the following areas









Each of these development points may raise further questions that you cannot answer straight away, You may need to find information to help you to progress to the next stage. It is essential you include this on-going research in your design portfolio showing how you solved issues as they arise throughout the development of your design.

It is up to you which method to develop your idea that you use. There are four different methods of developing ideas which are all shown below. You can also develop it how you see fit. Click on the computer icon to go into more detail…………


The iterative timeline is a free flowing approach from taking your initial idea and changing it in incremental steps (one change at a time). You explore each and everyone of the ACCESS FM headings in turn. As you explore what you are going to change or decide how you are going to make it, you incorporate your on-going research onto the page to help you solve issues that arise.



The method uses a mind-map approach. You explore two questions in terms of ACCESS FM criteria. You then produce some on-going research in order to solve the questions and produce a couple of designs for each question.



The development table is a research focused approach from taking your initial idea and changing it in incremental steps (one change at a time). You explore each and everyone of the ACCESS FM headings in turn. You start with a question of what needs to be be improved? You then produce some quick on-going research and then three solutions to the question.



The development table is a research / model focused approach from taking your initial idea and changing it in incremental steps (one change at a time). You explore each and everyone of the ACCESS FM headings in turn. You start with a question of what needs to be improved? You then produce some quick on-going research and then a physical model or 3D CAD drawing that shows potential solutions to the ideas you are exploring..