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Tuts Research Specification Designing Evaluation Task Analysis Making Divergent 
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The goal of the puzzle is to link all 9 dots using four straight lines or less, without lifting the pen and without tracing the same line more than once.

Clue One Clue Two Solution One Solution Two Solution Three

Sometimes to solve a problem we need to remove a mental (and unnecessary) constriction.

Remove the assumption we initially imposed on ourselves (the lines must be straight, the lines must be drawn inside a ‘subjective’ square, etc.).

In fact, mental constrictions always limit our creativity and stop us solving everyday problems.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

Albert Einstein

When designing solutions to design problems you must remove all assumption you have of what is expected, especially the obvious. For Example:


If you can understand that the answer to these types of questions is always NO then you are well on the way to being able to design creative and innovative alternative solutions (“think outside the box”).

Divergent Thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions as possible no matter how weird or wacky.

Divergent Thinking leads to creativity.

Divergent Thinking

In 2011 a competition was run to update the countries electricity pylons which have remained largely unchanged since the 1920’s.

Competitors came from a variety of fields from engineers, architects, students and a range of design professions.

Pylon Design

How to use divergent thinking

Specialized are a leading bike supplier in the UK. They have asked their design team to come up a range of ideas that will revolutionise the bike market. They want their design team to come up with a brand new design for a bike never seen in the UK market before.

Non Assuming Mind map

Draw two rectangles one inside the other

Draw a quick sketch of the product or the problem you have chosen to design or solve

Write down the first four assumptions that come into your head regarding the product

Mind-map as many different alternatives you can to the assumptions you have made

This is just one method to developing your thinking skills to solve everyday problems.

This type of philosophy has driven in the last year the British cycling team to unparalleled success at the London 2012 Olympics.

A long-term technical research project lead by British Cycling has laid the groundwork for the country's stunning success in the sport over the past decade. In the past two Olympics, Team GB has won a stunning 18 medals in cycling. Bradley Wiggins became the first British rider to win the Tour de France, and Cavendish won the World Championship road race last year.

The Research and development effort for British Cycling in Manchester is jokingly known as "The Secret Squirrel Club."  the Secret Squirrel Club, has poached aerodynamics experts from BAE Systems and Formula One who all beaver away in a Southampton wind-tunnel. As the rider is the most aerodynamically challenged part of the package, Sir Chris Hoy has spent many eight-hour days in there too. Bikes are custom-built for the team; even the handles are moulded to riders’ hands

The squad wear battery-powered “hot pants” to warm up their muscles before racing. Have there own pillow when they are away and training in different places and have a specific method of cleaning their hands every time they wash them. Divergent thinking?


Apple have asked their designers to come up with concept ideas for a new mobile phone. They wish to produce a phone which will revolutionise the mobile phone market like the IPhone did. The ideas can be concepts and be as wacky as you like, the technology may not yet exist for your phone, but it may have the potential to be developed.

Design Task

Tut Tut

Aircraft design of the future divergent thinking.

Watch the videos of how designers today are tackling issues such as airport overcrowding, environmental issues regarding air transportation and the ideas they have to tackle these issues.

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GCSE Assessment Criteria:

Developing of Design Proposals

(32 Marks)



  • I have shown original, imaginative and innovative ideas by using designing outside the box (divergent thinking)  & other techniques  c
  • I have developed my ideas further by using ongoing research  c
  • My developments are shown through a variety of methods
  • Sketches    c
  • Accurate drawings  c
  • CAD    c
  • Modelling   c
  • I have produced a well planned development section that includes models and testing throughout to a final solution  c
  • I have checked and utilised information about social, moral, environmental and sustainability issues throughout my planning  c
  • I have planned to use appropriate materials and components which have been selected with full regard to their working properties c
  • I have a fully detailed and justified manufacturing specification taking full account of the analysis undertaken   c

