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Evaluation against the brief
This page has quick links to all of the graffiti pages in your folder. Click on the page in your folder you wish to complete. Remember not all the information and answers are on the website. You are expected to research and read around the subject.
Start Objs Ass Ext Evaluation

As discussed earlier a specification is a list of goals that the final design must achieve. Specifications are an important part of designing because they provide a check list against which you can review your ideas as you are working. They also give you something against which to evaluate your ideas and your finished product against. An evaluation is something that you constantly carry out throughout the design process and you will produce a final summative evaluation were you compare your final product to your original design specification. Below is a list of evaluation activities you can carry out throughout your project and guidance on how to carry out a summative evaluation.

On-going Evaluation

As you have researched and developed your ideas and prototypes you have been constantly evaluating your work as you have gone along without even knowing it. When you were sketching ideas, building CAD and card prototypes, you automatically evaluated the success and failure of your ideas and were able to see which ideas needed improving or modifying. This is known as on-going evaluation.

Evaluations highlight weaknesses in your ideas and in doing so provide inspiration to improve your designs. This can be in the form of: A summary of research, simple annotation or labels at the side of your design ideas, notes, star diagrams rating your ideas against the ACCESS FM specification criteria you have written, consumer evaluations and how you would mass produce your product..

Evaluation Downloadable Help Sheet

A help ACCESS FM specification sheet is shown below. This shows how to complete the evaluation if you need help and guidance. It can be downloaded and printed via the printer icon.

Vids Evaluation against the Design Brief and Context