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Through product analysis James Dyson found a problem with old vacuum cleaners whose design had remained the same since the early 1900’s. He became frustrated with his vacuum cleaners diminishing performance: dust kept clogging the dust bag, reducing suction. Dyson had the idea of using cyclonic separation to create a vacuum cleaner that would not lose suction as it picked up dirt. The cyclone idea came from the spray-finishing room's air filter in his Ballbarrow factory.

EXAMPLE: How James Dyson uses product analysis for design inspiration

Dyson’s first original invention, the Ballbarrow, was a modified version of a wheelbarrow using a ball instead of a wheel. This was featured on the BBC's Tomorrow's World television programme.

The Problem
The Solution

Dyson continued product analysis on his own design and found a further problem. It was difficult to turn the cleaner because of its fixed wheels.

Continuous Improvement
The Next Steps?

Design and technology should be the subject where mathematical brainboxes and science whizzkids turn their bright ideas into useful products

James Dyson

The Solution


Produce a drawing of your final design……


List 5 improvements you could make to give your trainer the edge. What would make your design truly innovative?


Produce a redesign of your trainer incorporating one of the improvements that you have listed above.


Come up with a further two continuous improvements for your trainer and redesign them in the spaces shown below….