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Tuts Research Specification Designing Evaluation Task Analysis Making Product Analysis

Designers rarely design a product that is brand new. Most ideas are based upon past or similar products or inspired by nature, artists or other designers or design movements. Product analysis is a key feature in researching and developing a new product and a key feature in the continuous improvement of a product.

Today a number of companies and TV programs test a range of products and produce reviews on their performance for us:

As already mentioned researching existing products or products that are available on the market is a good place to look for inspiration for new products. Why?

Start Objs Ass Ext James Dyson product Analysis & Continuous Improvement

Dyson’s first original invention, the Ballbarrow, was a modified version of a wheelbarrow using a ball instead of a wheel. This was featured on the BBC's Tomorrow's World television programme.


Through product analysis James Dyson found a problem with old vacuum cleaners whose design had remained the same since the early 1900’s. He became frustrated with his Hoover diminishing performance: dust kept clogging the dust bag, reducing suction. Dyson had the idea of using cyclonic separation to create a vacuum cleaner that would not lose suction as it picked up dirt.  The cyclone idea came from the spray-finishing room's air filter in his Ballbarrow factory.

The Problem
The Solution

Dyson continued product analysis on his own design and found a further problem. It was difficult to turn the cleaner because of its fixed wheels.

Continuous Improvement
The Solution
Tut Laying out the Product Analysis Pages

An example of how to layout the product analysis sheets is shown below. Remember you can use your own headings relevant to your own project. This shows one of the possible ways of how you can layout your sheet if you need help and guidance. How you lay this page out is again up to you, there are several ways. Hover over the key words for hints and tips

Product Analysis Ranking
Detailed Product Analysis Pages

An example of how to layout the detailed product analysis sheet is shown below. Remember you can use your own headings relevant to your own project. This shows one of the possible ways of how you can layout your sheet if you need help and guidance. How you lay this page out is again up to you, there are several ways. Use the best and worst  products above so that you can compare the two products good and bad features and what and what not to include in your own designing.

Analysing Existing Products involves the following:

How to Carry Out Detailed Product Analysis Pages


DO NOT say:

this IPod has a touch screen and is very thin, it has a camera and a built in speaker. I don’t like it.

DO say:

the IPod has a touch screen which I THINK is an excellent design feature BECAUSE it eliminates the need for buttons to carry out functions and in doing so allows the screen to be a big as possible. This makes it a lot better for watching films and playing games on. However the screen is prone to becoming dirty as it is contently being touched. I THINK that it will become annoying to keep clean. It would be a good idea if I could design my MP3 with a touch screen that didn’t mark so easily.”

Hover over the different areas of the page below to give hints and tips to help complete.When carrying out product analysis you need to be analytical. You need to add your own opinions and give explanations and

reasoning for your suggestions. Below is a list of questions that you can use to help construct a statement for each ACCESS FM


Product Analysis









Ease of Use

Life Cycle



Consumer Opinion

Design Modifications

Product images

Different Levels of Product Analysis
As discussed some of the pages in your folder may look different depending which target you are aiming for. You will find which page you should be completing from the front cover of your folder. You can also look at what you need to have in terms of detail on each page from the assessment tab above.

The pages below give an example of the different levelled pages for a task analysis. Text or writing in grey means that you do not need to complete this. However if you find the task easy you can have a go at these areas to improve your mark. As time goes by you should build your skills in task analysis and go up the levels until you are able to complete it completely independently and achieve a high grade.


Only attempt to use the ACCESS FM words that are in dark print

If you feel that you have successfully completed these you can than have a go out the words that are in light grey print.

Opposite you will see the task analysis page that you will use in all areas of technology. Each version has subtle differences so hover over each page and look carefully. You find out which page to attempt from your targets found on your front cover of your folder

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