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Tuts Research Specification Designing Evaluation Task Analysis Making Theme

Carrying out research about your theme or inspiration is one of the easiest research pages to complete.

Start Objs Ass Ext Key Characteristics

Find out your themes “characteristics” by gathering information about:

To help build a clear picture about your theme don’t just type it into Google and hope for the best. Look at the following in relation to your theme (these may not all be relevant to your task and you can add your own headings as well):

Aesthetic/Theme research is not just about collecting images. You will need to add your own analysis of the images you find. You will have to write your thoughts and opinions about those images and how you can use them in your designing.

Laying out the Theme Page (Level 6)

A example theme layout sheet is shown below. Remember you can use your own headings relevant to your project. This shows one of the possible ways how you can layout your sheet if you need help and guidance. It can be downloaded and printed via the printer icon. Also look at past examples for inspiration. The example below is based around the design movement ‘Pop Art’ as inspiration for a lamp.

Theme Examples

Below are some past examples of some past theme pages. Click on the pictures below:

Different Levels of Theme Inspiration
As discussed some of the pages in your folder may look different depending which target you are aiming for. You will find which page you should be completing from the front cover of your folder. You can also look at what you need to have in terms of detail on each page from the assessment tab above.

The pages below give an example of the different levelled pages for a theme inspiration research page. Text or writing in grey means that you do not need to complete this. However if you find the task easy you can have a go at these areas to improve your mark. As time goes by you should build your skills in theme research and go up the levels until you are able to complete it completely independently and achieve a high grade.


Collect images and stick them down onto your page any images that you think will help inspire your design ideas. Remember to check your design brief or task analysis to ensure you are collecting images relevant to your project (e.g. iconic buildings, retro etc).

Annotate what parts of the images you could use in your design ideas.

Opposite you will see the theme inspiration page that you will use in all areas of technology. Each version has subtle differences so hover over each page and look carefully. You find out which page to attempt from your targets found on your front cover of your folder

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Laying out the Mood Board Theme Page (Level 4)

A example theme layout sheet is shown below. Remember to research images relevant to your project. This shows one of the possible ways how you can layout your sheet if you need help and guidance. It can be downloaded and printed via the printer icon. Also look at past examples for inspiration.

Laying out the Mind-map Theme Page (Level 5)

A example theme layout sheet is shown below. Remember you can use your own mind-map headings relevant to your project. This shows one of the possible ways how you can layout your sheet if you need help and guidance. It can be downloaded and printed via the printer icon. Also look at past examples for inspiration. The example below is based around ‘nature’ as inspiration for a lamp.

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Design Movements

Art Deco


Iconic Designs

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